Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 15

Day 15 - Formed for God's Family

Have you been baptized as an adult?  Baptism doesn't make you a member of God's family; only faith in Christ does that.  Baptism shows you are part of God's family.  Baptism declares your faith, shares Christ's burial (dunked) and resurrection (and back up again), symbolizes your death to your old life, and announces your new life in Christ.  It also is a celebration of your inclusion in God's family. 

Baptism is an act of initiation, a welcoming party to being a Christ follower.  It is different that an infant baptism and it isn't something that you put off til you are spiritually mature.  It is something you do AS SOON as you believe.  We are having a celebration Sunday at church after we finish reading this book.  I beg you to pray about being baptized.  God wants you to trust him, follow him, and love him.  This is the first step. 

I would LOVE to be in the dunk tank with you to baptize you! :)


  1. So, question. If I was baptized once before but feel a spiritual cleansing is needed, should I consider rebaptizing or no? I feel like I have still believed and stuff since being baptized but then my relationship sort of trailed off and feel like now I want it to be strong again. Do I just need to work on my relationship now, because I know I have always believed and wanted to be a part of God, I just don't think I have been wanting it as much before as I am trying to now...

  2. Ash-
    A lot of people go thru that. when we would go off to camp and come back many would state exactly what you said and would "recommit their life."
    The rebaptizing is up to you. It can be a way of renew the commitment between you and god as well as telling others what your going thru.

    I want to put a prayer request in. All thru this chapter I thought of brad. He's a tough cookie sometimes to figure out in this department. He hasn't been baptized and I really just pray for some spiritual growth from him. That he makes this real and his own.
