Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 28

Day 28 - It Takes Time

Great souls are grown through struggles and storms and seasons of suffering. 

I am a testiment to that statement.  I didn't want to go through that storm.  I didn't want that season of suffering.  I didn't want my testimony.  If I could change my testimony I would, but God had different plans.  I can now tell my testimony to people and help them through storms or lead them to Christ. 

My testimony goes like this... I was raised in a Christian home with Christian parents.  I never knew anything different but God, Jesus, Holy Spirit.  I got baptized at 10 when I first accepted Jesus as my savior.  I knew I had sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and needed him to save me.  From 10-21 I rebelled and grew farther and farther away from Christ.  I had no relationship that was worthy of what He deserved.  I dated people that and was very good friends with people that drove me away from my relationship further.  I lied to my parents, grandparents, myself and tried running from God.  Made awful choices in the middle of all of these years also.  I was roommates with a Christian girl my Junior year of college.  She got me to breakup with a boyfriend just by her attitude and way of life.  It was nothing that she ever verbalized.  It was the best year of my life.  I grew closer and closer to God and learned a lot.  I rebelled again and made some more horrible choices in the years to follow.  Lied some more, got a bad reputation, kept sinning.  It was hard to accept that I was on the right path and then screwed up again..still to this day.  I started dating Nick (which was a wonderful choice) and he helped me through some growth and change.  We helped each other through a lot.  When Nick and I were engaged everything was fantastic and well concealed.  All the garbage and trash didn't come out until the first few months of marriage.  It wasn't that we didn't know the trash existed... don't get me wrong.  We never kept anything from each other.  It was just that I had pushed it down so deep that it didn't surface until our first year of marriage.  It was the closest I had ever been to God because I had finally realized that God was all I had.  I put my husband through a lot.  He showed me a lot of grace.  I will always love Nick for that.  I WILL ALWAYS LOVE GOD FOR HIS GRACE.  I just took a minute cry session.  His grace gets me everytime.  Now I can say that I have been in the pit with the Devil and I didn't let him win.  He didn't get my relationship with Christ and he didn't get my relationship with Nick.  Both of those things he wanted to destroy but God is stronger than the Devil and he lifted me up and protected me.  If I can help one high school girl to not go down the same path as me... then my testimony is worth it.   Yea I wish I could change a lot of things about my life, but if I use it for good then God gets the glory.  :)

Write your testimony...

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